These are a few sprites with icons that can be used with libraries such as MapLibre GL JS.

I am not the author of these icons. You should consult licences of these images before use.

This site was intended to provide packaged icons of existing projects that can be used when developing web maps to quickly check how something can look on the map or for testing vector tiles.

Most of the icons are black or white so they would need to be coloured before serious use anyway. With Maki icons you can do it in the browser using: Mapbox tool.

Check each project's repo for more info about their icons, what's available, usage conditions etc.

Inspired by:

Docs about sprites in MapLibre GL JS.

Source project name Licence location (github repo url) Sprite URL (right click on the url and use "copy link" then paste it into your map style) Files URL (for visual inspection before use)
National Park Service sprite template url
Maki sprite template url
Temaki sprite template url
Openstreetmap-carto sprite template url