Import OpenStreetMap data to PostgreSQL with Imposm3
If you want to import OpenStreetMap data to PostgreSQL (+ PostGIS) database two popular tools are osm2pgsql and imposm3.
Both were designed to prepare data for rendering although some time ago osm2pgsql
was upgraded with scripting capabilities that go beyond simple mapping files that specify what tables to create and what objects should be inserted there (filter by tags).
There is also osmosis if you want a - more or less - copy of OpenStreetMap database.
development was put on hold due to lack of funding while osm2pgsql
is actively developed. This makes it questionable choice to use imposm3
but it does have some nice qualities that can make it better for some projects.
In my opinion it’s a very good tool that is useful when:
- you have a webapp and want to use OSM data but Overpass API is too slow/limited
- you want to use OSM data for spatial analysis and keep it updated
Subjective evaluation:
- single file binary executable (not dependent on Java)
- automatic minutely data updates
- faster than
- nicer mapping file syntax than
- can limit import of data to specified area (not just bbox)
- not maintained
- does not have scripting capabilities like
’s Flex Output - supports only Linux
Setup is very simple. You download the executable, prepare config and run the executable to import the data to the database. Then you can run the executable with a different flag/command to automatically download and apply OSM data updates from replication log or even set it up as a service/daemon that will run in the background and keep your data updated.
No dependencies, no need for external tools - like osmosis that is usually paired with osm2pgsql
- just a nice single executable.
I compared performance of both tools long time ago and probably osm2pgsql
got faster since then but for me import of some specific data for Poland was about 45 minutes for osm2pgsql
and 15 minutes for imposm3
Example usage
I’ll list commands make an import of some data. This requires Linux based OS (WSL works well). I’ll launch docker container with PostgreSQL database but you can use any other way to set up a database.
First let’s make a working directory:
mkdir imposm-test
cd imposm-test
Then let’s download the binary executable:
wget https://github.com/omniscale/imposm3/releases/download/v0.11.1/imposm-0.11.1-linux-x86-64.tar.gz
tar -xvf imposm-0.11.1-linux-x86-64.tar.gz
We’ll download some small OSM extract as well as geojson file that will limit the import area:
wget http://download.geofabrik.de/europe/poland/opolskie-latest.osm.pbf
wget https://github.com/openstreetmap-polska/gugik2osm/raw/main/imposm3/poland.geojson
For this example we’ll import buildings and roads. Full docs are in https://imposm.org/docs/imposm3/latest/mapping.html
Create YAML file mapping.yaml with your preferred text editor.
load_all: true
area_tags: [building, landuse, leisure, natural, aeroway, amenity, shop, "building:part", boundary, historic, place, "area:highway", craft, office, public_transport, tourism, allotments, club, "demolished:building", "abandoned:building", healthcare, industrial, residential]
linear_tags: [highway, barrier, route]
type: polygon
- name: osm_id
type: id
- name: geometry
type: geometry
- key: building
name: building
type: string
- key: building:levels
name: levels
type: string
- key: roof:shape
name: roof_shape
type: string
- key: building:flats
name: flats_number
type: string
- key: building:levels:underground
name: levels_underground
type: string
- key: height
name: height_above_ground
type: string
building: [__any__]
type: linestring
- name: osm_id
type: id
- key: highway
name: highway
type: string
- name: tags
type: hstore_tags
- name: geometry
type: geometry
area: ["yes"]
highway: [__any__]
Create config.json with a text editor.
Here’s an example, adjust paths and connections details accordingly.
srid means EPSG code number (i.e. id of CRS). It can be 4326 (geometry uses degrees as unit) or 3857 (units are meters).
"cachedir": "/home/tt/imposm-test/imposm_cache/",
"connection": "postgis://postgres:1234@localhost:25434/gis",
"limitto": "/home/tt/imposm-test/poland.geojson",
"mapping": "/home/tt/imposm-test/mapping.yaml",
"srid": 4326,
"diffdir": "/home/tt/imposm-test/imposm_diff/"
If you don’t need the data to be extremely fresh you can set update interval to be 1 hour by adding these lines to config.json
"replication_url": "https://planet.openstreetmap.org/replication/hour/",
"replication_interval": "1h"
If you want to create temporary PostgreSQL database using docker run this command:
docker run --name "postgis25434" --shm-size=4g -e MAINTAINANCE_WORK_MEM=1024MB -p 25434:5432 -e POSTGRES_USER=postgres -e POSTGRES_PASS=1234 -e POSTGRES_DBNAME=gis -d -t kartoza/postgis
- -p - sets port
- -d - means container will be run in background
Now let’s run data import:
./imposm-0.11.1-linux-x86-64/imposm import -config ./config.json -read ./opolskie-latest.osm.pbf -overwritecache -write -diff -deployproduction
- -overwritecache - will clear cachedir before import
- -diff - will save additional data needed to apply data updates
- -deployproduction - will move the data to public schema, default is to save it to import schema
Note: When running import again existing data will be moved to backup schema.
All options are described in more details in the docs.
You can connect to the database and query the data using software like QGIS or just psql
psql -h localhost -p 25434 -U postgres -d gis
To update the data run the following command:
./imposm-0.11.1-linux-x86-64/imposm run -config ./config.json
This will run continuously until you stop it with CTR+C
Making systemd service
Example of making systemd service on Ubuntu.
Let’s create a script (you can name it: “imposm_run.sh”) that will launch data updating process:
<specify directory>/imposm-0.11.1-linux-x86-64/imposm run -config <specify directory>/config.json
Our service will start after PostgreSQL service starts. When using external database e.g. RDS that would not be desired. In such case remove After=postgresql.service
from service file.
Create “imposm.service” file:
Description=IMPOSM3 service that keeps your copy of OpenStreetMap data updated.
User=<specify user>
ExecStart=/bin/bash "<specify directory>/imposm_run.sh"
Copy service file to correct location, set its permissions, and reload service daemon:
sudo cp <specify directory>/imposm.service /etc/systemd/system/imposm.service
sudo chmod 600 /etc/systemd/system/imposm.service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
Now we can use these commands to start and stop our service:
sudo service imposm start
sudo service imposm stop
Tips for production use
Process that updates our database generates some data that stays on disk. If left without supervision this will grow in size indefinitely.
You can add these commands in cron
to keep disk usage low.
# deleting osm replication files downloaded more than 7 days ago
find <specify directory>/imposm_diff/0* -mtime +7 -type f -delete
# remove empty directories
find <specify directory>/imposm_diff/0* -empty -type d -delete
# most of imposm logs are printed to system log by default
# you can clean it up with this command
journalctl --vacuum-time=10d
Additionally I would recommend to run VACUUM ANALYZE
in Postgres periodically.
After service has been running for a long time shutting it down temporarily and “defragmenting” data by running VACUUM FULL
may improve disk usage and performance.